TJT Certified Public Accountants

The Web and Legal Excellence

The Web has been a boon for the practice of the the Law, as well as for customers of legal services. But perhaps the best thing about the Internet in general for litigation concerns is not its encyclopedic amount of information on regulations, laws, legal precedence and so forth. The real boon is the Web’s ability to deliver both cold hard facts as well as facilitate vital contact between clients and their legal advisors.




Not About the Books



One of the main inconveniences of doing any kind of legal maneuver or initiative is the time required for physical meetings, visiting the courthouse, confirming paperwork and signing documents. Although some of this is core procedure, and in some cases appropriate rituals are involved, much of the time-consuming work can be done more efficiently over the Internet.


This improves the client’s experience and expedites the entire process. But it also provides improvement to the actual communication involved at every step of the way. When neither a client or a legal professional have to think twice about being in touch — using a variety of Internet communication technologies — more can be accomplished in less time with less running around.


This is actually a huge advantage, of course, when it comes to time-sensitive projects, or when there is an element of commercial timing and competition, perhaps, or any other time-based consideration. Legal teams and their clients who are fully wired — always available to brainstorm, check things and share ideas — are just plain better at using time and getting things done correctly.



Social Legal



Have you ever thought about how to use social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest specifically for legal work? Obviously, nothing of a critical, private or sensitive nature should be shared over these networks, but their basis (sharing) can be utilized in ways benefitting at certain stages of a legal maneuver. There are creative ways to set privacy controls, or, set up private networks with proprietary (licensed) tools that offer more security.


Already, law firms employ Intra-nets — smaller, private zones of the Web — that provide an online community that suits each client’s needs. On a lighter note, the Web even provides overworked minds the opportunity to unwind with games at — which can also provide stress relief that leads to better legal performance!